The Droogfontein Pty Ltd is the trading entity of the Droogfontein Communal Property Association (D-CPA). Our offices are situated at 5 Roper Street, Kimberley North in Kimberley.

We are a vibrant and buoyant company with a human capital largely derived from a third generation of our forebears that were forcibly removed from our ancestral land between the years 1947-1952.

We owe our being and sustenance to - Noka e Tshetlha (the majestic Vaal River) - where we continue to seek a harvest of abundance from.

“Droogfontein CPA’s Economic Propeller”: Droogfontein Pty Ltd bears the overarching and empowering responsibility of managing current income streams and spearheading economic opportunities on behalf of the D-CPA. Equally, we are duty bound in drawing and setting the path for future investments into Droogfontein.





Apart from progressively focusing on promoting start-ups and eliminating barriers such as a lack of training, we are embarking on an entrepreneurial voyage of propelling our SMMEs towards market access. In our quest of creating jobs and capacitating our beneficiaries with business skills through existent ventures, we wish to list the following enterprises:

30 Dec 2021

Droogfontein Farm Fresh Eggs

Established as a pilot-project in 2019, the Droogfontein Farm Fresh Eggs is an enterprise steered by the Droogfontein Pty Ltd and is owned by the Droogfontein Communal Property Association (D-CPA). The enterprise was conceptualized as part of the Droogfontein CPA Chicken Farm Pilot Project and currently has two coops in operation.


30 Dec 2021

COMMERCIAL – Agriculture

Irrigation Perched on the banks of the Vaal River, a large portion of the 12 000hectares owned by the Droogfontein CPA (D-CPA) is comprised of prime irrigable and cattle grazing agricultural land. Currently, the 300hectares of water rights
30 Dec 2021

COMMERCIAL – Renewable Energy

South Africa’s Northern Cape province is the country’s renewable energy home with arguably over fifty percent (50%) of the country’s projects. The bulk of them are solar PhotoVoltaic (PV) plants of which Droogfontein is home to two


Regaining Lost Ground By Pursuing A New Growth Path

The current Droogfontein CPA Executive has ingrained a vision for Droogfontein Pty Ltd. It is set to be business unusual and all hands on deck as an all-out-effort is unleashed in ensuring strides are made in igniting jobs, eradicating poverty and enhancing the quality life of beneficiary households.


“We must use time creatively, and forever realize that the time is always ripe to do right”